Adjustable Pedestal
If you are looking for a firm and durable base for a shed or garden room then this option comes with a very reasonable price. The adjustable riser pedestal is superb if you already have hard standing surface that needs leveling.

How to prepare a Pedestal Foundation?

First count the number of risers you need for your cabin. For this purpose, use the cabin’s foundation frame plan. Price per riser is around £5. Alternatively, you can use breeze blocks on gravel.
Dig out 20cm of ground and leave 10 cm extra beyond the boundaries of the cabin to allow for an extra area of dry ground around all the outer surface.
Build a barrier by the inner sides for the excavated area by using wooden planks. This will help you when laying gravel and when levelled keeps the gravel base in place.
Cover the bottom with membrane to avoid grass growing through the base beneath the cabin. Fill the hole with MOT 1 subbase granular or gravel and level with a garden rake. You can then compact the ground to ensure there is no movement overtime.
Now place the riser pedestals or breezed blocks accordingly to the foundation plan. We recommend keeping the distance between the risers within 50-60cm. Support all foundation planks, including all outer and inner planks.
First screw the full foundation frame structure together accordingly to your cabin plan, lift it on the risers, level by adjusting the hight of risers and screw the planks to the risers.
When using breeze blocks, first place the blocks, then screw together the whole foundation frame, then level and finally screw outer planks to blocks.